About Wal - EFT SA Emotional Freedom Techniques South Australia

Emotional Freedom Techniques
South Australia
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About Wal

Celestial Transformation, as practised by Wal, is the most powerful method of spiritual transformation on the planet and it provides fastest spiritual awakening and fastest spiritual enlightenment.

Some interesting facts about me. If I were not retired I would be offering fastest spiritual enlightenment and fastest spiritual awakening.

1. In the 1980's I created a technique of spiritual transformation called "ARISE" standing for "A Rapid Increase In Spiritual Enlightenment".

2. Applying ARISE to myself, I was able to raise my vibration quite considerably. By this time I had been interacting with quite a few spiritual organisations and their members and I so I had a good idea about what was generally going on with regards to "raising the vibration". As I look back now I realise that just about everyone I knew then who is still alive, has about the same level of vibration now as they did then. Some have a lot lower vibration. They just don't know.

3. At every level of higher vibration I found more and more powerful negativity to deal with. This means negative entities. I didn't know it then but I was being trained by Spirit to be the world's most powerful exorcist.

4. One type of negativity was giant mummies. About once a week for several years, I would be awakened at about midnight with a spiritual entity (or two) that looked like a giant mummy wrapped in bandages like Egyptian mummies. The first ones were short, about 4 metres or 12 feet and radiated considerable negativity. The last one was about 10 metres tall or 30 feet and radiated extreme malevolence. There were about 200 of these. They were Earth-bound. I would use ARISE for them and they would be freed to go wherever beings normally go when they die.
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